Part 15: Nico Yazawa is dreaming.
Nico Yazawa is Dreaming.This ones also synced pretty heavily to music, so give it a watch too.
THE biggest smiles theyve ever had on their faces.
I knew you could definitely do it.
Im so happy for you.
I really am.



Its the little things that make it all worth it.



I love how her expression stiffens whenever she hears her.
Not bad.
Not bad at all.



Nico, as the eldest sibling of 4, is notoriously weak to being relied on.

A camera shutters and we fade to white.
The music fades, and is replaced with
The credits.
Usually this is when the LPer goes on a long rambling spiel and pontificates,
but Ill save that for the afterwords.
Ill instead take the time to once again tell you to check out 7 Colored LEDs booth,
where you can get the game and its two prequel manga for free, and the soundtrack for dirt-cheap.
Oh, also I did some work for this game in the form of the hand-written UI.
Big thanks to Rudy for helping me with assets, dialogue, references I missed, thematic links,
translating song titles, the works. Couldnt have done it without you. MiMi never loses.
Slightly smaller thanks to Hideki for telling me that Elis into pathetic girls, sending me pictures of Yugioh singles he got,
and talking a bit about Nico and Makis dynamic.
The camera lingers on this shot for a while
Until the beat drops, and the world is awash with colour.
Im dead serious buy the soundtrack

Together again.
And even though our paths may someday diverge,
right here, right now
Were the greatest idols in the universe.
And of course, special thanks to the star of this show,
The #1 IDOL in the Universe, Nico Yazawa.
A final fade to white.
Thank you for reading along.